Sports bra - sports bra is an indispensable "equipment" for every girl when entering a workout session. Its main role is to support and lift a woman's bust during physical activity . Sports bras also help limit breast movement, thereby minimizing discomfort and potential damage to the chest ligaments.
However, many people who wear sports bras report that they feel uncomfortable when wearing them. This could be the first sign that you have chosen the wrong sports bra or that the sports bra you are wearing is no longer suitable at the moment. In addition, if you encounter the following problems with your new sports bra , it is definitely a sign that you should change to another one.
1. Chest pain during and after exercise
During exercise, it is inevitable to encounter injuries that lead to pain in various areas of the body. However, chest pain during and after exercise is something that should not be ignored. Especially in strenuous activities such as running or high-intensity training (HIIT), when the chest is an area that is under a lot of pressure and if not protected by specialized sports bras , it is very easy to cause injury. Therefore, you need to find a sports bra that hugs the body tightly enough to minimize chest movement but is still comfortable enough when exercising .
2. Feeling short of breath
Breathing plays a very important role in any sport and if the sports bra you own makes you feel short of breath when wearing it, it is definitely a sign that you need to replace it.
You can start by checking the size and material. If you are not sure if you are wearing the right size, you can refer to popular ways to choose sports bra size online. They may help you in case you feel short of breath when wearing sports bra.
3. Bruises appear on the back due to shirt rubbing against the skin
The marks are a sign that you have chosen a sports bra that is too tight or it could be due to the fabric shrinking and changing to a smaller size than the original size. If you continue to use it, it will not ensure the training support and at the same time cause you to have difficulty breathing, chest tightness, back pain, and have a negative impact on your health in the long term.
4. The sports bra has been used for too long
According to research, a sports bra has an average lifespan of about 12 months. Sports bras should be replaced within the allowed time to ensure support and lift.
In addition, there are many types of sports bras on the market today . Choosing the right type of bra that is suitable for your exercises is also a problem to keep in mind so that the sports bra can effectively promote its effects.
Check out the sports bra designs researched and developed by the Centric team here.